Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Two Ways to Prevent Hypertension

Want to avoid the disease of hypertension or high blood pressure? Try to eat soy and raisins regularly. Recent research scientists indicate, these two types of food consumption should be considered as one part of your lifestyle to prevent hypertension or high blood pressure.
Two studies presented at the American College of Cardiology Conference last week showed, raisins and soy can help prevent hypertension. According to one researcher, munching a handful of raisins three times a day can help lower blood pressure in those who have tensinya slightly above the average (pre-hypertension) after a few weeks.

In the study, researchers conducted random testing involving 46 people with pre-hypertensive conditions. Study participants known to have blood pressure ranged between 120 per 80 military mercury (mm Hg) to 139 per 89 mm Hg or higher than normal blood pressure.

Compared with people who frequently eat snacks such as cakes or biscuits, raisin-eating group had a significant decline in blood pressure or systolic blood pressure of 10.2, or seven percent over the 12-week study period. The researchers do not know exactly why the raisins to be effective in lowering blood pressure. But they think this is probably due to high levels of potassium are fruits raisins.

"Raisins are rich in potassium content, which has been known for its benefits to lower blood pressure," said lead investigator, Harold Bays, medical director of the Louisville Metabolic and Atherosclerosis Research Center.

"Raisins are also a good source of antioxidants that can alter the biochemistry of the blood vessels, which in turn can reduce blood pressure," he added.

Handful of raisins (60 raisins) contains one gram of fiber and 212 milligrams of potassium. Raisins are often recommended as part of a diet high in fiber and low in fat to reduce blood pressure.

While in another study, in which to see the efficacy of soy, showed that daily intake of food such as tofu, beans, and green tea can help lower blood pressure more than 5100 white men aged 18-30 years African Americans. The study began in 1985. Here, each participant was asked to report their own data about what they eat.

Those who ate about 2.5 or more milligrams of isoflavones per day - a major component in soy - systolic blood pressure decreased significantly (on average 5.5 mmHg lower) than those who ate less than 0.33 mg per day. A glass of soy milk contains about 22 mg isoflavones, or nearly 10 times the amount needed.

"Our findings suggest a benefit from moderate consumption of isoflavones in black and white adults in regulating blood pressure," said Safiya Richardson, principal investigator of the study.

Richardson added that soy consumption may be a way for people with pre-hypertension so as not to become hypertensive. Soy and isoflavones work by increasing the enzyme that makes nitric oxide, which in turn helps to widen blood vessels and reduce blood pressure.

"Based on these findings and previous studies, we encourage adults to include soy products in their daily diet to reduce the chances of developing high blood pressure," said Richardson.

Source : Kompas.com

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Sleep less and Pros Can Damage the Heart

Get less sleep and excess sleep apparently had the same devastating effect on heart health. According to new research led by Dr. Rohit Arora, chief of cardiology of the Chicago Medical School.
Researchers found that sleeping too little can put people at higher risk of stroke, heart attack and congestive heart failure. On the other hand, people who sleep too much to have a higher prevalence of chest pain (angina) and coronary artery disease.
The plan of these findings will be presented on Sunday at the annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology in Chicago.

In his study, researchers analyzed data on more than 3,000 patients over the age of 45 years who participated in the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to look at the relationship between sleep duration and cardiovascular health.
The results showed that people who get too little sleep (less than 6 hours) were twice as likely to suffer a stroke or heart attack and 1.6 times more likely to have congestive heart failure. While those who slept more than eight hours a night, twice as likely to have angina and 1.1 times more likely to suffer from coronary artery disease.
These findings also have cardiac risk factors such as age, blood cholesterol levels, smoking and obesity, as well as for sleep apnea and other sleep problems.
Researchers noted, previous research has shown that sleep deprivation is associated with a hyperactive nervous system, glucose intolerance, diabetes, inflammation, stress hormones and increased blood pressure.
Regarding the relationship between sleep too long and the risk of heart problems is still not clear. According to researchers, more research needs to look at the relationship between the two.
"Doctors should start asking patients about their sleep habits, especially those at greater risk of heart disease," says Arora.
"It's really a simple matter to assess it as part of a physical examination. This method requires any cost and can help patients to adopt better sleep habits," he explained.
Although the new studies found an association between sleep problems and heart problems, this does not prove causality.

Source : Kompas.com

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012


Caucasian skin produces approximately 10,000 IU vitamin D in response to 20–30 minutes summer sun exposure—50 times more than the US government’s recommendation of 400 IU per day!  While Vitamin D comes from the sun, and is the optimum source, we are not absorbing enough sunlight daily to get enough.  Vitamin D also occurs in some food sources but not in quantities to meet daily needs.

This high rate of natural production of vitamin D3 cholecalciferol (pronounced koh·luh·kal·sif·uh·rawl) in the skin is the single most important fact every person should know about vitamin D—a fact that has profound implications for the natural human condition.

Technically not a “vitamin,” vitamin D is in a class by itself. Its metabolic product, calcitriol, is actually a  hormone that is the key that unlocks binding sites on the human genome. The human genome contains more than 2,700 binding sites for calcitriol; those binding sites are near genes involved in virtually every known major disease of humans.

Current research has implicated vitamin D deficiency as a major factor in the pathology of at least 17 varieties of cancer as well as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, periodontal disease, and more.  Three cancers Vitamin D deficiency is significantly associated with are breast, colon and prostate.  Over 53% of the population is deficient and research is showing us that optimal levels are higher than ever thought.


Vitamin D’s influence on key biological functions vital to one’s health and well-being mandates that vitamin D no longer be ignored neither by the health care industry nor by individuals striving to achieve and maintain a greater state of health.  Vitamin D is especially important in pregnancy for the developing fetus.

To find out what your vitamin D level is to start with, you should have your vitamin D checked with a blood test.  Blood levels of Vitamin D are not routinely checked although many physicians are starting to add this to their yearly lab workup during annual physicals.  If treatment is required, a supplement will be recommended. It is important that you take your supplement with a fatty meal, as Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and cannot be absorbed properly without the accompanying fat. After treatment to bring your level up (3-6 months), you should be rechecked and then find the dosage of vitamin D you need to take to maintain a level between 50-80 ng.

Vitamin D has co-factors that the body needs in order to utilize vitamin D properly. They are: 

  • Magnesium 
  • Zinc 
  • Vitamin K 
  • Boron

Magnesium is the most important of these co-factors. In fact, it is common for rising vitamin D levels to exacerbate an underlying magnesium deficiency. If one is having problems supplementing with vitamin D, a magnesium deficiency could be the reason why.

For more information, check out The Vitamin D Solution, by Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD, professor at Boston University School of Medicine.  Also, www.vitamindsociety.org.

Food Sources for the Vitamin D co-factors above:

Magnesium – artichokes, pearled barley, oat bran, buckwheat & whole wheat flours, nuts, beans, spinach, tomato paste, cornmeal, salmon

Zinc – oysters, wheat germ, sesame seeds & tahini, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, peanuts, liver, beef tenderloin, lamb

Vitamin K – green, leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, chard, etc.), brussel sprouts, broccoli, romaine lettuce, asparagus, green beans

Boron – apples, pears, grapes, avocadoes, nuts, beans, wine

Source : http://nutritionhealthnet.com

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Salmon, Super Foods For Pregnant Women

Salmon consumption was found to increase the health of pregnant women and fetus. The findings of the scientists from the University of Granda showed that consumption of two servings of salmon a week to promote the health of pregnant women and infants as a whole.

Scientists found that increasing levels of intake of salmon omega-3 fatty acids and increase the antioxidant defenses in pregnant women and infants. Consumption of salmon is also known to not change the level of oxidative stress, inflammatory response and homeostasis (resistance) vascular.

In the study, researchers used a random sample of pregnant women are low levels of fish consumption. Samples were divided into two groups. The first group, the diet of pregnant women to apply as they do. While the second group, pregnant women were given the consumption of two servings of salmon from 20 weeks gestation until the specified time limit.

Salmon used in this study have been preserved and given a special diet so that salmon have a high content of omega-3 fatty acids of high and low contamination.

Blood and urine samples

Furthermore researchers took blood and urine samples from the two groups. Participants were also asked to fill out questionnaires about what they eat at weeks 20 and 34 of gestation, which will provide information about food intake during the previous 12 weeks.

Furthermore, blood and urine samples of participants drawn back into the 38th week of gestation. The result showed that the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids increased in pregnant women given intake of two servings of salmon each minggnya.

Similar results were also seen in newborns. Two servings of salmon each week to help mothers and their children reach the intake of omega-3 fatty acids in accordance with the recommendation.

The experts also found, and lipid oxidation biomarkers for oxidative damage to DNA is not affected by intake of salmon. Thus, researchers concluded that eating two servings of salmon a week during pregnancy does not increase oxidative stress.

Source : EurekAlert

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Choosing The Right Foods Based on Blood Type

To find out if the food you eat according to the requirement or not, seems to be heavily influenced by blood group type. Yes, every blood type is believed to have different responses to what you consume.

Dr. Peter D'Adamo, a naturopathic physician and expert in the field of human blood groups revealed that each blood group antigen which react to produce every kind of food. D'Adamo said, the consumption of foods that do not cause a reaction both to the blood type can cause fatigue, fluid retention and weight problems.

Meanwhile, if you eat foods that are compatible with your blood type, this will help increase energy, prevent disease and reduce weight. Here is a glimpse of the types of food that seseuai with blood type, as described by D'Adamo:

Blood Type O 
Blood type O is one of the most common blood type and amount than most other types of blood groups. About 45 percent of Americans known to have blood type O. Based on the type of food, people with blood type O is suitable for eating a high protein-rich meat. Individuals with blood group O had more gastric acid than other blood types, which makes them better suited for digesting meat.

Blood Type A 
According to D'Adamo, a person with blood type A is best suited for eating vegetables vegetarian alias, because they do not have enough stomach acid to digest meat. Vegetable protein diet such as beans, legumes, soy foods and complex carbohydrates are suitable for you who have blood type A.

Blood Type B
Corn, wheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds are foods that can affect metabolism and cause fatigue and fluid retention. People with blood type B should also avoid eating chicken, because it has a lectin in muscle tissue and cause unfavorable reactions with their blood type. Adamo advised to eat lots of vegetables and select types of meat such as lamb, rabbit and venison.

Blood Type AB
Type AB is the rarest blood type. In America, only about 5 percent of the population has this blood type. Given the mixture of blood group genes you inherited, so it is best suited to your diet is to eat a mixture of seafood, wheat and vegetables. According to D'Adamo, individuals with blood type AB have less stomach acid levels are sufficient for the digestion of meat, but they can eat fish. D'Adamo says, green vegetables, fish and low fat milk is a food that is right for them with blood type AB.

Source  : LiveStrong

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

7 Super Foods for Women's Health

Some specific foods known to have the ability to ward off disease. Nutritionists call it a super food. Here is a 7 (seven) to get the best food in your diet program, especially for women to prevent the risk of diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer of the cervix, and breast cancer.

1. Tomatoes
As is known, the red fruit is rich in lycopene content that plays an important role in warding off breast and cervical cancer. Even a study showed the consumption of tomato can be heart healthy. After looking at almost 40,000 women, researchers from Boston concluded, lycopene also protects the heart. To increase levels of antioxidants and lycopene, are advised to eat tomatoes after cooking.

2. Flax
Flax seed (a type of hemp, such as sesame, Linum usitatissimum) is a food rich in benefits. Flax is basically divided into two varieties, the brown and golden flax. Flax is usually turned to industrial linen and linseed oil.

The experts from the Mayo Clinic found that 40 grams of flaxseed can reduce the symptoms of heat stroke are often experienced by menopausal women. Some reports indicate hemp can lower "bad" cholesterol or LDL and triglycerides. In a study in China known to the more obvious benefits in women. Meanwhile, in brown or golden flax, play a role in the fight against breast cancer.

Warning: Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not be eating flaxseed.

3. Cabbage
Many health benefits can be obtained from the vegetable on this one, especially for women. Cabbage contains antioxidants such as lutein and zeazanthin that serves to protect the eyes. In addition, cabbage is also a good mengadung vitamin K in bone builder. The researchers found that women who eat a diet rich in vitamin K, have a lower risk of hip fracture.

4. Salmon
Salmon is included in the omega-3 smber best. In pregnant women, studies show that fish oil (omega-3) also helped in overcoming postpartum sadness. Other benefits include improving the function of neural connections in the brain of the fetus.

5. Cranberry juice
Cranberry is a natural remedy that is believed to treat urinary tract infections UTI in women and has been widely recommended by experts. This fruit contains antioxidants that work to prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall, which is a breeding ground for bacteria and cause infection. The findings are based on results of recent studies that examined the concentration of cranberry extract.

The right dose: Varies. But you should drink cranberry juice that is 100 percent fresh (60 calories per cup) to avoid excess sugar.

6. Greek Yogurt
Most of of you might not know much about Greek Yogurt. Yogurt is different from yogurt in general. Greek yogurt offers twice the protein is better (than other types of yogurt) with a little sugar.

Low levels of carbohydrates also helps us keep the blood sugar remains stable. In addition, studies show that foods with high protein levels (30 percent of calories) helps women to lose weight and maintain muscle.

7. Walnuts
Recent studies have shown, only eating two ounces of walnuts per day to help slow the progression of breast cancer and slow tumor growth (results of tests on mice). Walnuts contain an antioxidant called phytosterols, which have an important role in the fight against cancer. In fact, omega-3 fats in walnuts effective in preventing excessive bone turnover that makes bones strong and healthy.

Sources: FoxNews

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Cell Phone Radiation Dangers for Pregnant Women

Cell Phone Radiation Pregnant Women Make Kids Hyperactive? 
For pregnant women who frequently use cell phones or adjacent devices that emit radiation waves should be careful. Because recent research indicates that exposure to radiation from cell phones during pregnancy can affect fetal brain development, which could potentially lead to a hyperactive child.

The research conducted by scientists from the Yale School of Medicine, after conducting a series of experiments in mice. These findings were published on March 15, 2012 in the Scientific Report.

"This is the first experimental evidence showing that exposure to radio frequency radiation from mobile phones in the fetus may influence behavior," said senior researcher, Hugh S. Taylor, MD, professor and chief of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, the obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive.

In his research, Taylor and colleagues made two experimental groups. In the first group, pregnant rats given exposure to radiation from mobile phone signals. While another group is treated in the same conditions but with the phone turned off.

Then, the researchers measured brain electrical activity of adult rats exposed to radiation, and perform a series of psychological and behavioral tests. They found that mice exposed to radiation tend to be hyperactive and have decreased memory capacity

"We have demonstrated that problem behavior in mice that mimic ADHD is caused by exposure to a mobile phone while still in the womb," said Taylor.

"The increased risk of behavioral disorders in children of men may be partly due to mobile phone radiation exposure during pregnancy," he explained.

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), is a developmental disorder in an increase in motor activity of children to lead children's activities are not uncommon and tend to be exaggerated.

But he reiterated that further research is needed in humans to better understand the mechanisms behind these findings and to establish safe exposure limits during pregnancy. Dibutukan further study to determine whether the potential risks from radiation exposure during pregnancy in humans have the same effect.

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Preventing Diabetes With Apples

Apples Prevent Diabetes by Eating Every Day.
Recent research from the United States found that the consumption of some types of fruits such as blueberries, apples and pears berkaitkan with a lower risk of diabetes.

According to researchers, this fruit contains flavonoids, naturally occurring compounds present in fruits, vegetables and grains, which is based on the results of some research related to health benefits such as lower risk of heart disease or cancer.

"People who eat blueberries or apples in the sheer number is higher, they tend to have lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes," said An Pan, a researcher from the Harvard School of Public Health.

According to Pan, the findings suggest an association, but does not directly prove that the fruits could prevent diabetes.

Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed results consistent with some previous research which had already connect a diet high in fruits (rich in flavonoids) associated with a decreased risk of hypertension.

According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 26 million Americans have diabetes. This is caused by the body's inability to produce or use insulin, a hormone that converts blood glucose into energy.
Type 2 diabetes can usually be controlled with exercise and dietary changes and without insulin.

In the study, researchers from the U.S. National Institutes of Health track the diet of some 200,000 men and women for 24 years. The participants, are requested to fill out questionnaires about how often they eat certain foods and beverages with standard portion sizes. In early research, all participants are known no one had diabetes, but during the study period, a total of 12 600 participants were diagnosed with diabetes.

Research results found that those who love the blueberry has a 23 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who do not eat blueberries. While participants who ate five or more apples per week also had 23 percent lower risk of developing diabetes than participants who did not eat apples.

The researchers revealed that the flavonoids in fruits may have beneficial effects in reducing the risk of diabetes. "We found consistent results from three research results. Where the three studies indicate that consumption of apples and blueberries beneficial for preventing type 2 diabetes," said Pan.

According to Pan, the findings took into account other risk factors, such as weight, smoking and family history of diabetes. "This finding is very good because it encourages us to eat fruits directly rather than fruit juice (processed)," he said, citing recent evidence that the juice of sugar-sweetened fruit preparations and other additives may increase the risk of diabetes.

Source : reuters

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

20 Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is also called aloevera. You must be familiar with this one plant. Green plants are known to function nourish the hair and smooth skin is the type of vegetation that we often encounter on the home page.

But do you know if this plant has other benefits in addition to cosmetics. Here are some of the benefits of aloe vera plant:

  1. Cool the burned skin to sunlight, especially for those who often works outdoors. 
  2. Skin problems caused by weather, such as dry skin, redness, peeling, and mild irritation or rash. 
  3. Diminish the reddish color of the bruises on the body. 
  4. Cope with the discomfort caused by a razor. 
  5. Cope with minor burns. 
  6. Relieve the blisters. 
  7. Can be used as an anti-aging cream or to address wrinkles. 
  8. Treat the rash due to exposure to the sap of plants. 
  9. Relieve itching from insect bites. 
  10. Use every day to diminish scars and strecth marks, streaks of white or red due to pregnancy. 
  11. Care for minor injuries caused by a knife cut or scratched. 
  12. Tarnish spots blackish spots on the skin. 
  13. Can be useful as a substitute for hair conditioners and jelly. 
  14. Can be used to reduce acne. 
  15. Used to speed healing of canker sores. 
  16. Can be used as a natural body lotion. 
  17. To relieve muscle cramps or tightening. 
  18. Used to reduce the complaints on the issue of gum. 
  19. Reduce the dandruff on the head. 
  20. Overcome the water fleas.
Source : Kompas.com

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Savor the flavor Overcome Nausea Ginger

Do you ever use ginger to treat nausea and vomiting? Properties of plants of this one was no doubt in dealing with nausea, but it helps if we know a bit of research that confirms ginger as an anti-nausea medications.

Ginger is a rhizome plant that is very popular as a spice and medicinal materials. Rhizome-shaped fingers are swollen in the middle sections. In Asia including Indonesia, ginger is used to treat stomach aches, nausea, and diarrhea.

A study presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2009 last year found that ginger may reduce nausea effects on breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. The research was funded by the National Cancer Institute, which involved 644 patients, most women with breast cancer, who were undergoing chemotherapy at 23 oncology practices in the United States.

In the study, all patients received standard anti-vomiting every day when undergoing chemotherapy. But some of them also took capsules containing extracts of ginger, three days before chemotherapy.

The results showed those who took ginger experienced approximately 45 percent reduction in the risk of vomiting than those who did not take ginger, says Julie L. Ryan of the University of Rochester, the study's lead researcher.

To know more benefits of ginger, National Institutes of Health has made a summary of the truth of the efficacy of ginger in addressing a variety of diseases:

* Motion sickness: Some studies report that ginger does not have much effect in overcoming motion sickness. Another study even noted that ginger may reduce vomiting only, not nausea. Further research is needed to determine the effects that might result from the consumption of ginger and other hangover medicine.

* Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy: Preliminary studies suggest that ginger may be safe and effective for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy when used as recommended dose for short periods of time.

Nausea from chemotherapy: Report of preliminary studies suggest that ginger may reduce the severity and duration of nausea in cancer patients after chemotherapy. Other studies also showed no adverse effects from the consumption of ginger. However, further research will be needed to confirm these results.

* Nausea and vomiting pascatindakan surgery: Some research reports indicate the consumption of ginger before surgery can actually trigger an increase in nausea or vomiting after surgery patients. However, other research shows just the different results that need further study.

* Migraine:
There is not enough scientific evidence to explain the effects of ginger in dealing with migraine.

* Weight loss: For some people, ginger has been shown to be a tool to lose weight. However, further studies are needed to make a safe recommendation.

Active compound in ginger

As described in the book Efficacious Herbal Indonesia, ginger contains a variety of active compounds such as Gingerol, zingerone, 1-dehydrogingerodine, 6-gingesulfonic acid, shogaol, carbohydrates, palmetic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, caprylic acid, caproc acid, lauric acid, myristic acid, pentadecanoic acid, stearic acid, linilenic acid, lecithin, gingerglycolipids (A, B, C). Ginger also contains amino acids, protein, resin, diterpene, minerals, vitamin A and niacin. There is a volatile oil content in it: zingiberene, B-bisabolene, singiberol, zingiborenol, ar-curcumene and some aldehydes.

Side effects

Few side effects that may arise when someone is eating ginger in small doses. The most common side effects reported were bloating, heartburn, and nausea. This effect is most often associated with the use of ginger powder.

Until now, there are still few studies that provide information about the safety of the effects of long-term use of ginger in a safe and guidelines of ginger supplements.

In theory, ginger may increase the risk of bleeding when the same time you are taking blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, anticoagulants such as warfarin (coumadin), anti-platelet drugs such as clopidogrel (Plavix), and anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or naproxen ( Naprosyn, Aleve).

Important is also known that ginger can also interfere with the work of drugs that alter cardiac contraction, including beta-blockers and digoxin.

Before you start using ginger to treat any disease, it is better if you consult with your doctor, especially if you are undergoing long-term treatment.

Source : http://www.myhealthnewsdaily.com/

Identifying the Disease through the Eyes

Eye was more than just a window of the soul. Senses of vision can also be a window to see the availability of health disorders that we have experienced.

"The eyes are the first places in the body which can be used physicians to see blood vessels and arteries without the camera or the operation," said Shantan Reddy, eye specialist doctors from New York University Langone Medical Center.

That's why, sometimes ophthalmologist was the first to find that there is a serious disease in patients with diabetes or high blood pressure. In fact, 65 percent could identify ophthalmologist high cholesterol levels in patients before other doctors.

Simak health disorder that can be seen from the eyes. You will be surprised.

1. Arteries in the eyes of a silvery color
More than 20 percent of people who suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension are unaware of its condition. "We can see the condition of hypertension through the eyes because the condition causes the arteries to the retina become quite keperekan so often referred to as silver cable," said Reddy.

2. Spots on the lining of the eye 
Sunlight not only damage skin, but also the eye. In the worst case, exposure to sunlight can trigger cancer in the eyeball called also with eye melanoma. "Cancer could look like a small point in the pigment layer of the eye," she said J.Bakri, eye doctors from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesotta.

3. Blood vessels was evident 
High blood sugar levels can clog blood vessels in the retina that causes it to break more easily. Optometrists are often found abnormal new blood vessels in the eye instead of a ruptured blood vessel. Furthermore, diabetes can also damage nerves in the eye, causing blindness.

4. inflammatory 
Autoimmune disorder that causes the body to attack healthy cells that will trigger inflammation, including in the eye. Symptoms of inflammation are often found among other ocular surface inflammation, itching, and dry eye. It could be a sign of lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Swelling of blood vessels in the eye 
Allergens in the air such as dust, animal dander, or pollen can affect the eyes. Naturally, the eye will produce histamine and other chemicals to fight the allergen. This process can cause swelling of blood vessels in the eye so that the whites of the eyes look red and itchy.

Source : Kompas.com

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

10 Quick And Healthy Breakfasts To Go

Although breakfast is considered to be the most important meal of the day, many people skip it because they feel pressed for time before they go to work or school. Out of those who do eat breakfast, many choose convenience over nutritional value and choose to eat a doughnut, pastry or a fast-food breakfast sandwich.

1. Peanut Butter Pita

Peanut butter is high in protein, which is an ideal nutrient to consume in the morning. Studies show that a protein-packed breakfast will make you feel full for a longer period of time and, therefore, will reduce your cravings for snacks throughout the day. It will also reduce the brain signals related to food motivation and reward-driven eating.
To make this meal, spread some peanut butter on whole wheat pita and top with some banana slices and wheat germ, which is a good source of iron and zinc. You can stuff everything inside the pita pocket to make it easier to transport and you can also experiment with different types of nut butters and fruits.

2. Peanut Butter Waffle

Instead of drenching your waffle in butter and syrup, spread some peanut butter on it. It would be best to make your own waffle, but if you have to use the frozen kind, choose a waffle that contains whole grains, which will stabilize your blood sugar and will make you feel fuller, longer. To add a little pizzazz, sprinkle some chopped nuts or raisins on top.

3. Egg Sandwich

Those egg-and-muffin sandwiches that you get at fast-food restaurants are full of fat, particularly saturated fat. Make your own egg sandwich instead, with a whole wheat English muffin or whole wheat bread. Use the entire egg, including the yolk, which contains the muscle-building vitamin B12. You can even add a few slices of turkey-bacon for a protein boost, or substitute your egg with tofu for a vegetarian breakfast.

4. Cereal And Yogurt

Cereal and milk is a great breakfast, but it’s a little tough to eat while commuting to work. Instead of using milk, mix bran flakes or granola clusters into a container of yogurt. Yogurt is high in calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12 and protein and, it also contains live bacteria cultures that can rev up your immune system.

5. Vegetarian Breakfast Burrito

If you want to add a little kick to your morning, try this breakfast burrito. In a whole wheat tortilla, roll up some slices of a hard-boiled egg, green peppers and avocado. For a spicy kick, add a spoonful of salsa, which is full of vitamin C. What makes this breakfast fun is that you can mix and match different fillings.

6. Veggie Egg Scramble

If the breakfast burrito doesn’t satisfy your egg craving, make this instead. While a traditional omelet may require extra time and care, it’s a lot faster to scramble some eggs and throw in the same ingredients you would use in your omelet. Use vegetables like green peppers, olives and mushrooms. Add in tomatoes, which are heart healthy and whatever other vegetable you like.

7. Vegetable Pancakes

This breakfast options ensures that you get a daily serving of vegetables. Combine a half-cup of flour with an egg and a quarter-cup of milk. Add in carrots, zucchini, cabbage and some scallions for a little zest. Carrots are a good source or carotenoids, which the body turns into vitamin A, while zucchini is a good source of vitamin C and cabbage can lower your cholesterol levels.
Although you may not have time to make a batch of pancakes in the morning, you can make them ahead of time and freeze them. You can also add in any other vegetables you choose.

8. Brie-Raspberry Panini

Studies show that eating cheese for breakfast may help to lower your cholesterol levels. So melt some brie or some mozzarella on whole wheat bread and add some raspberry preserves or, better yet, fresh raspberries. Raspberries are high in vitamin C, magnesium and fiber and contain antioxidants that can prevent the development of macular degeneration and even cancer.

9. Blueberry Scones

Scones are delicious and a little indulgent, so in order to put a healthy spin on them, fill them up with fresh blueberries, which are rich in antioxidants. Use whole wheat flour, oats and flaxseed to get a dose of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Make a few variations with cranberries, which prevent bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract and stomach lining, and blackberries, which are a good source of vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, potassium and magnesium. Whip up a batch of these for the week, so you have a breakfast treat you can grab and eat on the go.

10. Strawberry-Banana Smoothie

Strawberries are a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants, and bananas are a good source of potassium and fiber. Blend a handful of strawberries and a frozen banana with one cup of cow’s or soy milk and a spoonful of protein powder. This smoothie is great by itself or when paired with any of these quick and healthy breakfast ideas.
Make sure you do a little prep work the night before or sometime earlier in the week for some of these breakfast ideas to help save you time. The great thing about these quick and healthy breakfasts is that most of them don’t require you to sit down and eat them with utensils.

Source : http://www.symptomfind.com/nutrition-supplements/quick-and-healthy-breakfasts/

7 Vitamins Sharpen Your Memory

Forget or do not remember is a condition that almost everyone had experienced. For example, when put phone, keys or sunglasses. Maybe you consider this to be a reasonable. But you need to know that "forgetting" is one characteristic that indicates the reduced ability of the brain to process the memory.

How to prevent it? Quite simply, namely by taking some form of vitamins such as those mentioned below. Here are seven vitamins that can help cure while improving your memory:

1. Vitamin E
Research has shown that the antioxidant properties of vitamin E may help protect nerve cells in the brain from damage. There is also evidence to suggest that vitamin E can keep the nerve cells in the brain of post-stroke mortality. Vitamin E is also believed to help improve memory function in the elderly. But before taking vitamins is a good idea to consult with a physician. Because high doses of vitamin E can interfere with the work of a drug for blood clots.

2. Vitamin B6
In addition to keeping the various functions of the body, vitamin B6 has been shown to improve memory, while also supporting brain health. Research shows that daily intake of vitamin B6 can help improve your memory from time to time, and the brain's ability to process information at a faster rate. You can get natural sources of vitamin B6 from tuna fish, eggs, carrots and vegetables.

3. Vitamin B12

Research has shown that vitamin B12 can maintain blood levels of homocysteine ​​at a healthy level. Homocysteine ​​is an important amino acid needed by the human brain. If amino acids are not well managed it will affect the decrease in brain function. This vitamin also has the ability to improve the brain's nerve fibers. Beef, liver, shellfish and fish contain large amounts of vitamin B12.

4. Vitamin B9

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9 may help in the production of red blood cells, which allows one to obtain the supply of oxygen to the brain more. This vitamin has also been shown to reduce the risk of memory loss associated with aging. Natural sources of vitamin B9 can get from eating food made from grains, or drinking juice made from citrus fruits or tomatoes.

5. Vitamin C

The antioxidant properties of vitamin C is very beneficial to keep your memory health is maintained. A recent study has found a correlation between memory problems and babies who are deficient in vitamin C. Another study found vitamin C has a protective nature of memory problems and loss of mental alertness. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources for vitamin C, especially citrus and strawberries.

6. Vitamin D

Body is deficient in vitamin D has been shown to interfere with the brain's ability to plan and process memory. Research shows that vitamin D levels decline in the elderly has been associated with memory loss due to the aging process. You can meet the needs of vitamin D from mackerel, tuna and other foods are fortified with vitamin D.

7. Vitamin B3

The experts are superbly find a particular form of the vitamin B3 Nicotinamide, which is believed to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Given these new findings tested in mice, further clinical testing is needed to determine the effect of vitamin B3 in humans. In addition to reducing the risks and effects of Alzheimer's disease, vitamin B3 also reduce the risk of heart disease and lowering LDL cholesterol. Tuna, chicken, turkey, salmon and asparagus provide an important source of vitamin B3.

Source : kompas.com

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

8 Foods for Preventing Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer or colon is a form of malignancy that occurs in the colon, rectum, and appendix (appendectomy). The experts explained that by making lifestyle changes can prevent about 70 percent of developing colon cancer.

To protect yourself from the threat of cancer, it's time you make a plan and a proper diet program, especially by eating some of the following foods, which is believed to be the main enemy of colon cancer:

1. Beans, lentils, peas and other foods high in folate
Plenty of food as mentioned above if one of your family members of colorectal cancer. Beside rich in fiber, these foods are also high in folate, a B vitamin that protects cells from DNA damage. According to a study from Harvard University involving nearly 89 000 women aware that they are - who have a family history of colorectal cancer - which consume more than 400 mcg (micrograms) of folate per day, 52 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer than women who consumed only 200 mcg folate a day. You can get about 100 to 150 mcg simply by eating a cup of cooked beans or spinach. One medium-sized citrus fruit also contains approximately 50 mcg.

2. Milk
Milk has a very vital role in building strong bone growth. But not many know that milk can also help protect you from colon cancer. Research involving more than half a million people showed that drinking at least a cup of milk every day may lower risk of colon and rectal cancer about 15 percent. Meanwhile, those who drank over two glasses a day, the risk dropped 12 percent.

A recommendation suggests, a person must meet at least 250 milliliters of milk a day. Given the saturated fat associated with tumor growth, it would be better if you choose low-fat milk or skim milk.

3. Vegetables from the cruciferous family
Types of vegetables that are intended, among others, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, radish. This group of vegetables is the most powerful cancer fighter because it contains a variety of compounds able to drive the cancer, which damage cell DNA. Research consistently shows that people who eat vegetables, 50 percent had a lower risk of colon cancer than those who eat small amounts. You must meet at least four half-cup (125 milliliters) servings per week.

4. Wheat, fruits and vegetables high in fiber
Although no studies that definitively prove the benefits of fiber to prevent colon cancer, but experts are still pushing for a person eats more than 15 grams of fiber each day. Why? Because the fibers can quickly help food pass through the digestive system, so if there are foods that are carcinogens, the food was not long lived in the digestive tract.

A study of large-scale European Prospective Investigation of Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) show that people who eat lots of fiber, 40 percent less likely to develop colon cancer.

5. Turmeric
Turmeric is the spice that is quite widely known and often used as a spice in cooking. Natural yellow color in turmeric, called curcumin, believed to have anti-cancer agents and anti-inflammatory effects (reducing inflammation which is thought to contribute to tumor growth). Curcumin can also help clean the carcinogens in the body prior to DNA cell damage and help repair the damage was done.

Lab studies show this spice also helps stop the growth and spread of cancer cells. No recommendation is encouraged, but you only need to use it more often in your cooking mixture.

6. Fish and chicken
Various research shows evidence of an association between red meat consumption and colon cancer risk. But you need not be afraid to eat meat, because meat chicken and fish can be an alternative choice.

Results from the study of EPIC suggests that eating at least 300 g of fish (two or three servings) a week can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 30 percent. This finding is not surprising. If you choose fatty fish like salmon or mackerel, directly you will get the omega-3 fatty acids more that help reduce inflammation in the intestine.

If you do not really like eating fish, try the chicken. Studies show that consumption of chicken meat is not as red meat, because it does not actively trigger colon cancer. Remember, most of the fat found in chicken skin, so it is advisable to remove the chicken skin before cooking.

7. Garlic and onions
Garlic may not be able to protect you from vampires, but it can help rid the colon cancer. Both garlic and onions contain sulfide, which helps to clean carcinogens and cancer cells. Research shows that women who consumed 1-2 cloves of garlic per week had a 32 percent lower risk of colon cancer than women who rarely ate garlic.

And according to a study that examined fruit and vegetable consumption among more than 650 people in South Australia showed that participants who frequently eat onions risk of colon cancer was reduced to 52 percent. Eating a few cloves of garlic and about a half cup (125 mL) garlic at least several times a week can help lower your cancer risk.

8. Black tea and green tea

Lab studies show that compounds in tea helps to deactivate cancer-causing agents. In fact, these compounds are also able to inhibit cancer cell growth. Among the more than 35,000 women involved in the Iowa Women Health Study showed that those who drank two or more cups of tea every day almost 30 percent lower than those developing colon cancer is rarely drink tea.

And while they are mainly black tea, it should be noted that green tea contains more of antioxidant compounds called catechins, which appears to work wonders.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

Eating berries helps prevent age-related memory loss

 Washington: There is strong scientific evidence that eating blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and other berry fruits has beneficial effects on the brain and may help prevent age-related memory loss and other changes, say scientists.

Barbara Shukitt-Hale, Ph.D., and Marshall G. Miller pointed out that longer lifespans are raising concerns about the human toll and health care costs of treating Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of mental decline.

They explained that recent research increasingly shows that eating berry fruits can benefit the aging brain.

To analyze the strength of the evidence about berry fruits, they extensively reviewed cellular, animal and human studies on the topic.

Their review concluded that berry fruits help the brain stay healthy in several ways.

Berry fruits contain high levels of antioxidants, compounds that protect cells from damage by harmful free radicals.

The two also noted that berry fruits change the way neurons in the brain communicate. These changes in signalling can prevent inflammation in the brain that contribute to neuronal damage and improve both motor control and cognition.

They suggest that further research will show whether these benefits are a result of individual compounds shared between berry fruits or whether the unique combinations of chemicals in each berry fruit simply have similar effects.

Their review on the value of eating berry fruits appeared in ACS`` Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 

Source : http://zeenews.india.com/

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Sugar in the Morning breakfast is important to Improve Concentration

Sugary foods like donuts are not a super healthy food, but can give the brain the nutrients it needs to start the day effectively. If you have trouble concentrating or remembering things in the morning, often cause adelah because the brain is deprived of sugar is needed in order to function optimally.

"Sugar is used as an energy source the brain. One reason is because the sugar producing important chemical acetylcholine. This chemical is essential to improve memory, enhance the ability to pay attention and keep the mood," said Dr. Gary L. Wenk, Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience, Immunology and Medical Genetics at Ohio State University Medical Center and author of "Your Brain on Food '.

Brain to produce acetylcholine from components derived from the metabolism of sugar called choline. Choline derived from lecithin-containing foods. Lecithin is found in many baked goods such as donuts, cupcakes and chocolate. So, eating chocolate-covered donuts in the morning will give the brain the nutrients it needs to pay attention and learn new things.

"Billions and billions of nerve cells in the brain requires a constant supply of sugar to maintain the ability to produce energy and communicate with other nerve cells. Nerve cells can only tolerate a lack of sugar for several minutes before he died," said Prof Wenk as reported by Lifehacker.com, Thursday (08/03/2012).

Because the sugar content decreased with the passage of time since last meal, the body begins to eat something sweet. As the day wore on, the nerve cells use acetylcholine busy and changing sugar to think and learn. As a result, concentration and alertness also started emnurun.

Towards evening, the low blood sugar levels again causes a decrease in the ability to pay attention and mental slowing. Energy metabolism that are deployed for thinking and learning throughout the day increases the strong chemicals that can kill nerve cells called adenosine. To resolve this, drink coffee.

Adenosine inhibits the function of acetylcholine and causes the body to become less vigilant. Caffeine in coffee can stem the influence of adenosine and release of acetylcholine which has hampered its function. After drinking coffee, attention spans will increase and the body will be ready to do anything until the effects of caffeine runs out.

Source : http://health.detik.com

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Yoga effective in treating patients with stress-related psychological and medical conditions

An article by researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM), New York Medical College (NYMC), and the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons (CCPS) reviews evidence that yoga may be effective in treating patients with stress-related psychological and medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, high blood pressure and cardiac disease. Their theory, which currently appears online in Medical Hypotheses, could be used to develop specific mind-body practices for the prevention and treatment of these conditions in conjunction with standard treatments.

It is hypothesized that stress causes an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic under-activity and sympathetic over-activity) as well as under-activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter, gamma amino-butyric acid (GABA). Low GABA activity occurs in anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, epilepsy, and chronic pain. According to the researchers, the hypothesis advanced in this paper could explain why vagal verve stimulation (VNS) works to decrease both seizure frequency and the symptoms of depression.

"Western and Eastern medicine complement one another. Yoga is known to improve stress-related nervous system imbalances," said Chris Streeter, MD, associate professor of psychiatry at BUSM and Boston Medical Center, who is the study's lead author. Streeter believes that "This paper provides a theory, based on neurophysiology and neuroanatomy, to understand how yoga helps patients feel better by relieving symptoms in many common disorders."

An earlier study by BUSM researchers comparing a walking group and a yoga group over a 12-week period found no increase in GABA levels in the walking group, whereas the yoga group showed increased GABA levels and decreased anxiety. In another BUSM 12-week study, patients with chronic low back pain responded to a yoga intervention with increased GABA levels and significant reduction in pain compared to a group receiving standard care alone.

Source : Boston University Medical Center

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Why We Need Vegetables

Article courtesy of Donna Hargrove, D.O., Nutrition EditorEven though everyone knows that vegetables are good for you, 7 out 10 Americans still do not meet the daily recommendations for vegetables.  And, Americans are eating less today than 10 years ago.  Consumers say their main reasons for not getting enough vegetables are not liking the taste, inconvenience, high cost, and low availability.  However, there are plenty of easy, delicious and convenient ways for people to get more vegetables.

Vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet.  Eating the recommended amount of vegetables can help to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.  Vegetables are also naturally lower in calories than other foods and therefore important in weight management.

Vegetables provide essential nutrients and most are low in fat.  They are an important source of potassium, magnesium, dietary fiber, folate, and vitamins A and C.
  • Potassium:  Helps maintain healthy blood pressure 
  • Magnesium:  Necessary for healthy bones, muscles and for healthy blood pressure 
  • Fiber:  As part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce cholesterol levels and maintain digestive health 
  • Folate:  Helps the body form healthy red blood cells 
  • Vitamin A:  Keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps protect against infections 
  • Vitamin C:  Helps heal cuts and wounds, keeps teeth and gums healthy and aids in iron absorption

Think variety and think color.  Eating a variety of vegetables allows you to get a range of nutrients.  Different colored vegetables provide varying amounts of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that provide unique health benefits.  The phytonutrients are responsible for the colors of vegetables.  Vegetables can be classified into color groups, such as Red (tomato), Orange (carrots), Green (spinach), White (onions, mushrooms), and Purple (cabbage).  Phytonutrients work best when eaten together in a whole food.  So, eating a wide variety of different colored vegetables provides greater health benefits than eating only a single type of vegetable.

Eating foods like vegetables can help with weight management by adding bulk without a lot of calories.  Eating bulker foods like vegetables helps people feel full and eat less over the day.

The amount you need depends on your age, gender and how active you are.  Most women should eat about 2 ½ cups of vegetables daily, men 3 cups, and children aged 4-8 years 1 ½ cups.  In general, 1 cup is equal to 1 cup chopped or cooked vegetables, 1 cup vegetable juice, or 2 cups raw leafy greens.

  • Add vegetables or vegetable juice to soups, pasta dishes or casseroles 
  • Stock up on frozen vegetables for quick and easy cooking 
  • Drink vegetable juice as a snack or as a beverage with your meal 
  • Buy pre-cut vegetables for quick salads and snacks

Source : nutritionhealthnet.com

5 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health


Aloe vera, it contains many nutrients needed by the body. Components to form a gel which is mostly water reached 99.5% of the total, and total dissolved solids with only 0.49%, 0.067% fat, carbohydrates 0.043%, 0.038% protein, vitamins, 0.49%, 3.476 mg vitamin C (Furnawanthi , 2002). While the high nutrient content in it is vitamin C.

Here are some of the content of aloe vera and its benefits:

1. Reducing sugar in the blood.
One of the substances contained in the aloe vera is the aloe emodin, an organic compound from the group antrokuinon signals that activate the insulin levels of insulin-like perceiving and beta-substrat1, phosphatidyl inositol-3 kinase and increased the rate of glycogen synthesis by inhibiting glycogen synthase kinase 3beta, so very useful for reducing blood sugar ratio. In addition, according to Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine, the benefits of aloe vera have been hypoglycemic. Which can reduce blood glucose (blood sugar) in people with diabetes.

2. Antiseptic drugs & medicine burns
Aloe vera plant leaves and roots contain saponins and flavonoids, in addition to the leaves contain tannins and polyphenols (Hutapea, 2000). These saponins have the ability as an effective cleanser that menyembuhakan open wounds, while the tannins can be used as a precaution against infection of the wound because of its antiseptic and burn treatment. Flavonoids and polyphenols have activity as an antiseptic (Harborne, 1987).

3. Laxative
Because aloe latex (yellow juice extracted from the outer layer of leaves) contain molecules with a strong laxative effect (called "anthranoids"), the plants can be effective in cases of constipation. These benefits are also recognized by the WHO and shown in several studies.

4. Regeneration of the skin
Rich in antioxidants (flavonoids, vitamin C, beta-carotene), aloe vera has anti-aging will. A study conducted in Turkey, 2009, showed that aloe vera can help to regenerate skin tissue. Moreover, it can diminish scars and lines white lines / red due to pregnancy or strecth marks, treating minor cuts and scratches from the knife cut and fade the black spots on the skin.

5. Helps digestion
Studies have shown aloe vera gel to repel and destroy toxins and other foreign material that is usually attached to the intestine. Toxins and foreign substances that attach to the gut is very dangerous because it results in the accumulation of waste that can block the intestinal tract and reduces the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Benefits of aloe vera is to eliminate waste and help in the setting of acid. This can prevent you from suffering from indigestion and can also cleanse the blood and improve circulation to normal.

Source : Yahoo News

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

5 Reasons to Keep Drinking Coffee

Reasons to Keep Drinking Coffee
For some people, drinking a cup of coffee can be a powerful way to get rid of the sleepiness or even just to satisfy a hobby. But unfortunately, coffee also never be separated from the negative issues. Some research says that coffee can cause anxiety and insomnia in some people.

But beneath it all, the coffee actually has health benefits as a support. Beth Reardon, director of nutrition at Duke Integrative Medicine says that coffee contains important antioxidant compounds more potent than other sources, such as fruits and vegetables. Here are the five best reasons why you should drink coffee:

1. Cut the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Various research shows, the more often a person drinks coffee, the more likely they are affected by type 2 diabetes. For example, postmenopausal women who drank at least four cups of coffee a day were more likely to avoid type 2 diabetes, according to a study by researchers at UCLA School of Public Health and Medicine involving more than 700 women in 2011.

In fact, experts in Australia who published his research in the Archives of Internal Medicine noted, each additional one cup of coffee may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 7 percent.

2. Protecting the ravages of cancer cells

In previous research, the coffee never "accused" as a cause of cancer. However, the findings were not truth, because the researchers did not take into account research other precipitating factors such as alcohol and smoking. But now, there is evidence that coffee may protect against certain cancers, by enhancing DNA repair.

Several studies have found an inverse association between coffee consumption and risk of liver cancer. Even in 2011, for example, researchers from Harvard found that women who drink several cups of coffee a day (caffeinated or decaf) have a lower risk of endometrial cancer. Another study also reported that in men who consumed six cups of coffee a day, have a lower risk of prostate cancer, which amounted to 60 a message.

Other studies have linked coffee drinking with reduced risk of colon cancer, rectal cancer, oral cancer and esophageal cancer.

3. Reduce the risk of dementia
The scientists have so far not fully understand what causes brain changes associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease. But they learn more about risk factors for dementia - and coffee drinking habits seem to have an influence in reducing the risk of dementia.

Researchers from Sweden and Denmark have been tracking the impact of coffee consumption in 1400 middle-aged people for an average of 21 years. They found a clear relationship that participants who drank 3-5 cups of coffee a day had a lower risk of developing dementia (65 percent).

4. Protect against Parkinson's disease
For men, it seems clear that coffee helps reduce the possibility of Parkinson's disease. Those who drank about 2-3 cups of coffee a day had 25 percent lower risk of Parkinson's than those who did not suffer at all. The findings are the result of the conclusion of the 26 studies that looked at the relationship between coffee consumption and Parkinson's. However, these researchers have not seen a strong influence for women to drink coffee.

5. Preventing depression
Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health to track 50,000 nurse in the Nurses Health Study for more than a quarter century. In 2011, researchers reported that those who drank four cups of coffee or more per day had a 20 percent lower risk for depression, compared with those who rarely or never drink coffee. Meanwhile, those who drank two to three cups a day had 15 percent lower risk of experiencing depression.

Source : http://www.caring.com/