Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

7 Powerful Crop To Overcome Cough

This 7 Powerful Crop To Overcome Cough is probably not a disease but a symptom of the emergence of a disease. Coughing is the body's defense mechanism to clear the airways.
Cough medicines commonly used are those containing antitussives, decongestants, expectorants, or a combination. As for the treatment other than conventional medicine can also be a Natural or herbal medicine.
Here are some herbs that can be used to cure or treat a cough:

1. Ginger rhizome (Rhizoma Zingebris)

Ginger and preparations have long been used for treatment of flu symptoms. The effects associated with the immunomodulatory activity. In addition, some compounds contained in ginger may be useful in increasing body temperature. Clinical trials Ginger is used more as an anti-nausea and vomiting.

2. Mint Leaves (Folia Menthae)
Anti-cough effect: As an expectorant. Essential oils stimulate the respiratory mucosa; enhance or dilute the mucus secretion; provide a sense of cool; and lowers the surface tension of the lung, thus improving the flow of incoming air. Another effect of Mint Leaf: As anti-microbial.

3. Rhizome Powder (Kaemferaie Rhizoma)
A key benefit is overcome respiratory disorders. Effectiveness data for respiratory disorders are generally still in experimental animals. The use of the aromatherapy: for relaxation, carminative and sedative. Another use: Cosmetic skin. Activity: Ethyl cinnamic, asorelaksasi.

4. Fruit Lime (Citrus Aurantii Fructus)

Lime for use of the cough is mostly done empirically. Benefits of Essential oil content: As the aroma therapy of the respiratory tract. Benefits of Vitamin C content: Can be connected with aktivitasi munomodulator. Current clinical studies for standardized extract (Sineprin) is more widely used for weight control.

5. Timi herb (Thymi Herb)
Thymi is one plant that has long been used as antibatuk. The main effect as an expectorant and Antis pasmodik. This activity allegedly related to the content of Essential Oils (thymol and karvakrol), and flavonoids. Thimi lubrication intra muscular and oral administration in experimental animals, showed stimulation of the respiratory tract. In a double blind randomized clinical trial in 60 patients with complaints of productive cough. Use of syrup Thimi (3x10mL/hari) for 5 days, proved to give effect to the bromheksin not significantly different.

6. Nutmeg (Myristicae Cement)
Nutmeg is the main content of essential oils. Use of Nutmeg which has supported scientific studies is as a sedative and carminative agent. Animal studies prove the Nutmeg can increase the duration of sleep.

7. Glycyrrhizae Radix
Sweet is the root of the main raw material for OBH (Black Cough). The development of the Black Cough is now combined with conventional medicine. The main content is Glisirisin Sweet Root.

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Identify the cause of cramps and Tingling

National Institutes of Health (NIH), said, tingling and leg cramps may be a sign of a serious medical condition. If a change in habits and weight loss are not able to relieve the sensation, you may need to meet with the doctor to look for other causes and appropriate treatment.

Sitting in one position too long can cause tingling in the feet. Often, simply by changing the position or go for a walk will relieve these symptoms. Tingling in the feet can come from many causes, including disease, diet, and environmental factors. To learn more about what can trigger cramps and tingling, here is his review:
1. Circulation

Diabetic neuropathy is a complication of diabetes with symptoms of numbness or numbness in the feet or legs that can cause tingling and cramps in the legs. These complaints are caused by damage to the peripheral nervous system because the blood sugar levels are not controlled. Diseases and infections that cause inflammation of blood vessels (called vasculitis) triggers the formation of scar tissue in blood vessels, impair circulation and cause numbness and cramps in the muscles of the lower extremities.

2. Rheumaotid arthritis

According to the Merck Medical Library, rheumatoid arthritis of the ankle can cause tarsal tuneel syndrome. The pressure of the swelling will trigger nearby tingling in the feet. Try to keep your feet elevated up to relieve the symptoms. But in some chronic cases, your doctor may suggest surgery.

3. Injury

Tingling and cramps caused by trauma to nerve compression can occur after a person's spinal cord injury in an accident or a broken leg. The scar around the nerve and arthritis of the spine or legs may trigger abnormal sensation and muscle spasms year later.

4. Nutrition

Calcium is an essential mineral needed for muscle contraction and nerve transmission. Calcium deficiency can cause muscle cramps and tingling, but it may also indicate problems of renal failure, vitamin D deficiency and hypoparathyroidism (decreased function of the parathyroid glands).

5. Hormone

Disturbances in hormone levels can cause swelling in the feet and ankle (ankle), the upward pressure on the nerves. Swelling also interfere with blood flow to muscles, which causes cramping of the buildup of lactic acid and poor oxygenation.

Source : Kompas.com

The Best Nuts to Eat for Nutrition

Including nuts in your daily diet is good for your heart and can lessen the risk of heart disease. Nuts contain high amounts of unsaturated fats, which help clear out your arteries and promote healthy colon function. In addition, nuts are high in fiber, keeping you feeling full for longer than many other snacks. While all nuts are beneficial to your health, some nuts are higher in nutrients than others. 


  • Almonds are high in magnesium, potassium and vitamin E. In addition, almonds contain a very low amount of unhealthy fat and promote healthy colon function. One-quarter cup of chopped almonds contains approximately 150 calories and 25 percent of your daily magnesium requirements. Consider adding walnut slivers into your favorite salad, or sprinkling them over a cracker with cheese.


  • Walnuts are one of the best nuts to add to your diet as they contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. According to the Mayo Clinic, omega-3 fatty acids promote a healthy heart and have anti-inflammatory properties that lessen the effects of asthma and arthritis. One serving, or 8 oz., of chopped walnuts contains approximately 180 calories. Try adding one serving of chopped walnuts to your favorite cookie recipe or eating them with your morning cup of coffee.


  • Pecans are a nutrient-rich nut that you can add to your diet to boost your consumption of over 19 vitamins and minerals. The nutrients in pecans include zinc, magnesium, vitamins E and A, copper, potassium and vitamin B. According to the website sixwise.com, just 3/4 cup of pecans each day can lower bad cholesterol and help clear your arteries. One serving of pecans contains approximately 200 calories. Add pecans to your favorite cookie or bread recipe, or eat them as a side with your morning toast.


  • Cashews are one of the lowest-fat nuts that you can add to your diet. Cashews contain high amounts of copper and zinc, both essential nutrients for your body. One ounce of dry-roasted cashews contains approximately 160 calories. Try eating cashews on their own or sprinkling them over a chicken breast before baking it.

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Breakfast each day, Can Reduce Risk of Diabetes

For some people, breakfast or eat breakfast do not become a habit. In fact, eating breakfast is the most important and highly recommended to be met due to health reasons.

The study showed that people who skip breakfast are more likely to suffer a setback levels of mood, memory and energy. Even these people are also more likely to experience weight gain, due to overeating at lunch or dinner.

A research study on the eating habits of volunteers involved in the National Weight Control Registry shows, individuals who consistently used to breakfast tend to decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.

In research published in the latest issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers monitored 29 000 men for 16 years. In his analysis, researchers looked at patterns of diet, exercise, disease rates and other signs of health. The results show, there are about 2,000 participants who experienced pain during the study of type 2 diabetes.

Participants who did not eat breakfast regularly have a rate 21 percent higher risk of diabetes than those who ate breakfast regularly sacara. In fact, their risk (no breakfast) remained high after the researchers accounted for body mass index (BMI) and quality of each individual's breakfast.

Other studies also found an association between breakfast and spent the risk of type 2 diabetes. Although the relationship between the two is not yet clear, but some scientists suspect that eating breakfast helps stabilize blood sugar throughout the day.

Some studies show that eating foods in a larger amount of calories, especially carbohydrates, have a detrimental impact on blood sugar and insulin levels.

Diabetes Mellitus

The term diabetes mellitus leads to several health conditions that affect how the body uses blood sugar (glucose). Glucose is essential for health because it is the main energy source for muscle and tissue.

If you have any type of diabetes, it means you have too much glucose. Too much glucose in the blood will cause serious problems. Consists of chronic diabetes diabetes type 1 and type 2.

Symptoms of diabetes vary by type of diabetes you have. If you have prediabetes (blood sugar levels higher than normal but not enough to be categorized as diabetes) or gestational diabetes (elevated blood sugar during pregnancy) may not experience symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of diabetes type 1 and type 2 among others:
• Frequent thirst
• Frequent urination
• Very hungry
• Lost weight suddenly
• Fatigue
• The view blurred
• Where have cuts, sores are difficult to heal
• Frequent infections, such as gum or skin infections and vaginal or bladder infections

Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in children and adolescents although basically can occur at any age. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type can occur at any age and can often be prevented.

Causes & Risk Factors

To be able to understand about diabetes you need to know how the body's glucose is processed normally.

How does it work normally glucose
Glucose is the main source of energy for the body. Glucose comes from two main sources, namely the food and the liver. When the digested food is absorbed sugars into the bloodstream with the assistance of insulin (a hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism). The hormone insulin is produced by the pancreas.

In this process the liver acts as a storage warehouse and processing center. For example, when you do not eat for some time, the liver releases stored glucose to maintain glucose levels remain normal.

 - The cause of type 1 diabetes
In type 1 diabetes, your immune system that normally functions to fight bacteria or viruses attacking the hormone insulin. This condition makes you short or no insulin. Rather than being delivered into the cell, the sugar will accumulate in the bloodstream.

- Causes of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
On the condition of prediabetes - which can lead to diabetes type 2 - and type 2 diabetes, cells become resistant to the hormone insulin. This causes the pancreas unable to produce enough insulin. Instead of flowing into the cell, the sugar will accumulate in the blood. The exact cause is unknown although the excess fat and passive behavior is an important factor.

- The cause of gestational diabetes
During pregnancy, the placenta produces hormones to sustain pregnancy. This hormone makes the cells more resistant to insulin. As enlargement of the placenta in the second and third three months, then more and more hormone is produced.
Normally, the pancreas will respond by producing more insulin. But sometimes it is not able to respond pancreas. This makes many accumulate in the blood glucose and is not absorbed into the cell.

Risk factors

Risk factors for diabetes are based on the type of diabetes.

- Risk factors for type 1 diabetes
Although the exact cause of type 1 diabetes is not known, heredity may affect. Another factor is affected by diseases caused by viruses.

- Risk factors for type 2 diabetes
• Fats. The more fat in your body tissue, the higher the resistance to insulin.
• Conduct passive. Passive behavior will make the fat in the body does not burn. Physical activity will help control it and the more the use of glucose for energy, the more your cells are sensitive to glucose.
• Heredity.
• Age. The risk increases with the age at which physical activity tends to decrease.
• Gestational diabetes. If you have gestational diabetes during pregnancy, the risk for developing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes will increase later. If your baby born weighing more than 4 pounds, then you are also at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
• Polycystic ovary syndrome. Characterized by irregular menstrual periods, hair growth and obesity are too much.

Other conditions associated with diabetes include:
• High blood pressure
• Cholesterol


Type 1 diabetes is not preventable. However, type 2 diabetes can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
• Eat healthy foods low in calories and fat
• More physically active, especially with exercise
• Maintain a healthy weight

Many types of skin cancer can be prevented formation, among other things:
• Avoid the sun between the hours of 10 pm to 4 pm
• Use protective sun creams
• Use sun protective equipment
• Be aware of certain drugs, including antibiotics, cholesterol, birth control pills, nonsteroidal anti-swelling and acne drug isotretinoin.
• Check your skin regularly health
• Sports leather for those aged 40 years and over

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Kiwi, The Small Intestine Friend

Kiwi fruit had been known as one type of fruit is high in nutrients and vitamin C. But more than that, save the kiwi was also a hidden benefit that is needed by the human body.

Behind the brown furry skin and green flesh fruits, kiwi turned out to contain a digestive enzyme that can help the absorption of protein. Enzyme called actinidin. It is a protease enzyme (protein destruction) which is in the green kiwi fruit, serve to digest protein so readily absorbed.

As is known, in the digestive process that occurs from the mouth to the small intestine, the body needs a variety of digestive enzymes, namely protease (to digest protein), lipase (digests fat), and amylase (digests carbohydrates). A healthy digestive tract will prevent the entry of bacteria and toxins as well as keep the immune system. To keep the digestive tract stay healthy, your body needs nutritious foods such as fruit.

"Fruits contain fiber, probiotics, and digestive enzymes that aid digestion and absorption role. One fruit, kiwi green that is, containing vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, prebiotic fiber and enzymes actinidin," says nutrition expert from the Department of Nutrition School of Medicine, University of Indonesia, dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, Sp.GK, Tuesday (05/08/2012), in Jakarta.

Another advantage is the kiwi fruit contains vitamin C two times higher than oranges and proved 5 times more effectively absorbed by the body. Kiwi fruit is also rich in folic acid is beneficial for women who want to get pregnant, also has a low glycemic index so it is safe for diabetics.

Aids the digestive process

Fiastuti explained, the fiber content in green kiwi fruit is very high compared to other fruits such as bananas, apples and oranges. Fiber in kiwi fruit is divided into two types of soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber plays a role in helping to keep blood sugar levels remain stable, with the help of sugar absorption is slower, thus causing an increase in blood sugar levels are not excessive and did not fall dramatically.

"Soluble fiber also helps stabilize the kiwi blood fat levels, by binding to fat and helps maintain blood lipid levels," he said.

Meanwhile, insoluble fiber helps maintain intestinal health by preventing constipation and feeding the good bacteria. Because, according to Fiastuti, intestinal tract not only function but also serves to keep the bad bacteria and prevent the introduction into the body, preventing the entry of toxins and keep the immune system.

So, if all these people think it only serves to intestinal absorption, that's wrong. If the colon is unhealthy, then the bacteria will easily fit into the intestinal cells, causing pain in the body.

"If we eat less insoluble fiber, bowel movements become difficult. As a result, toxins, dirt and bacteria in the gut will be longer. The longer he is in contact with the intestinal wall will damage the intestinal cells," explains Fiastuti.

Unique enzyme

Kiwi fruit has long been believed to help digestion in the stomach, in addition to fiber (fiber) is high, kiwi fruit contains a unique enzyme, which is a function actinidin protein digest so it is more easily absorbed by the body.

This was confirmed by two research laboratories, and one study with experiments on animals performed by Riddet Institute, Massey University and Zespri International. Research using Zespri green kiwifruit extract as the source of the enzyme actinidin. This study uses a method of laboratory studies to see digestion in the stomach and intestines.

In his study, researchers used a variety of food sources of protein such as beef, milk protein (whey protein), soy milk, wheat protein (gluten) protein of maize, collagen and gelatin. Then it tried to digest foods with simulated gastric and intestinal digestion supplemented with actinidin, which comes from the extract of kiwi fruit.

The results showed that, actinidin and fiber content in kiwi may help better protein digestion, helps maintain blood sugar and blood fats and Formatting maintain intestinal health.

"Protein is absorbed well will provide benefits as builder substances, replacing damaged cells and keep the body working properly metebolisme," .

Source : Kompas.com

5 The act strange It Beneficial For Health

Maybe you've heard the use of leeches as a healing wound or disease on modern health technologies. Or other strange things. Here are five things at once is unusual uniquely beneficial to your health, at least according to Christopher Wanjek, author of Bad Medicine and Food At Work.

1. Vibration exercise
This exercise was initially considered a myth. However, the opposite has been a lot of exercise equipment that uses vibration in the training system. Induced vibration is believed to increase your mobility in the move. Machine vibration can accelerate the healing of muscle and bone density in patients with established osteoporosis. The drawback, no studies that address the levels of vibration and how much time a safe practice.

2. Running in bare feet
Maybe this time a strange thing if you run or jog barefoot. However, running with bare feet is very beneficial to the shins, knees, hips, and back. According to a study published in the journal Nature (2010), running shoes which appeared in the 60's can change the posture and the way humans walk.

3. Cleaning the tongue
Ritual scrape dirt on the tongue has been run since time immemorial by the Indians they called ayurveda. This is rarely done because you will feel choking, pain, or disgust smell a bad odor. However, dozens of studies conducted in western proves this is the most effective way to cope with bad breath, prevent dental caries, gum disease, and even colds.

4. Healing with the use of parasitic
For those of you who have allergy or asthma symptoms are usually more frequent use of eye drops, pills, or inhalants. However, the researchers gave the idea of ​​healing with the use of something that might be considered dirty and disgusting. They said the protection of a particular type of parasitic infection (hookworm) can cure allergies or Crohn's disease and multiple sclerosis.

5. Fecal transplant
This may sound very strange. On a stool or a transplant procedure is also called the faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), the doctor injects the feces of healthy people into the intestine of a patient through a tube-like instrument. This treatment is effective for patients with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), an infection causing severe diarrhea or other illness-causing bacteria-induced diarrhea. Prosedut FMT also known as bacteriotherapy, fecal transplants, fecal transfusion, or human probiotic infusion (HPI), by transferring bekteri "healthy" with probiotics into the intestines.

FMT in principle is an effort to restore the flora colony by introducing healthy bacteria flora through an infusion or injection of feces from a healthy donor. This procedure can also address other diseases, such as colitis, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and some neurological diseases.

Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

6 Complaints Body When You Lack Sleep

Still regard sleep as a regular ritual? If so, be careful, because the body can demonstrate to us if we continue to let the quality of sleep deteriorates. Because there are at least six health risk if we are threatened by lack of sleep.

1. Long for junk food
When we are sleep deprived, a key regulator of appetite impaired. As a result we want foods that are high in fat and high in carbohydrates. This will make the number of calories in the body rise dramatically. A research has shown, after lack of sleep for two nights in a row, respondents had the urge to eat for longer than usual. For the hormone that triggers appetite, namely ghrelin, increased and decreased appetite-suppressing hormone, leptin is.

If it is left continuous, we will be overweight. And is increasingly confirmed by a University of Washington that found that respondents have enough sleep, 7 to 9 hours each night, have an ideal BMI value.

2. We become a magnet for germs center
People who sleep 7 hours at night, going 3 times more susceptible to flu. This is the result of the JAMA study. In fact, other studies concluded that men who sleep less and be given the flu vaccine, has delayed the formation of the immune response against the disease is seasonal. Newly formed immune, 10 days after vaccination. The formula is only one to explain this situation, the sleeping form of our immune system.

3. Body to process sugar more slowly
University of Chicago concluded in their study, short sleep time will make the body resistant to insulin. This makes it hard to be processed glucose in our blood vessels, so we are likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

4. Suffered a prolonged stress
Still from a University of Chicago, the lack of sleep makes the hormone cortisol to rise sharply. This is the hormone that causes us to know how unpleasant stress. Increase in cortisol occurred from the afternoon until the evening, which makes our heart rate increases, increased blood pressure, and blood sugar to rise. This means that we are at risk of developing hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

5. Our brain becomes foggy
When we are sleep deprived, the brain attack "thick fog". Even Walsbelen Joyce, PhD, an expert on sleep hygiene, storytelling, this fog is hard to make us feel good. "Because sleep and emotional control on the same brain area. So when we are sleep deprived, then automatically we have to make yourself become easily depressed. "

6. Make us look older
Lack of sleep also makes the blood flow slows down, even for those under our skin. So no wonder if the eye bags easily formed when we are sleep deprived, and this is certainly not something that can enhance our appearance.

"Even worse, lack of sleep increases the hormone cortisol also slows the production of collagen. If this happens, say welcome to the wrinkles, "says Jyotsna Sahni, MD, health expert bed of Canyon Ranch, the United States.

See the full list of complaints bodies when we sleep, we would not want to create a body to complain again. Because of that, do an easy trick to sleep soundly.

* Slowly, go to bed 15 minutes earlier each night.
* Turn off the lights an hour before closing his eyes, and try to relax. If music can calm down, feel free to enjoy it while turning a blind eye strain.
* Do not place the television or computer in our room.
* Do the meditation or stretching the body, 30 minutes before actually sleeping.

Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Direct Sleeping After Eating, Apparently Dangerous

Often hear the advice "Do not sleep immediately after eating"? Some say the rapid fat later. First, my grandmother said, "After eating straight to bed, you climbed into the chest rice ngerendem lungs. Later his chest felt hot."

I think it's just a myth. Science has also confirmed what my grandmother said, of course with a more scientific answer. Well, what are the dangers of sleep immediately after a stomach full of food?

Burning sensation in the chest
When the body's sleep and rest, the digestive system it will actually work harder. Straight to bed after eating can increase stomach acid levels and trigger heartburn. Sometimes it can also cause a burning sensation in the abdomen, chest, and throat.

Weight gain
Eating late at night before sleeping harmful because it causes the body to accumulate more fat. So if you wake up hungry at midnight, healthy snacks like fruit and salad is recommended for consumption rather than food such as cakes, pizza, noodles, or rice once.

Heat sense Throat

The occurrence of acid reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux diseases (GERD) or acid reflux is not to close the valve between the stomach and esophagus. This allows stomach acid to creep into the throat and cause the burning sensation of the throat.
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The results of a study conducted University of Ioannina, Greece, found that behavioral sleep immediately after eating can increase the risk of us having a stroke. Study involving 500 healthy people found that respondents who had the longest interval between eating and sleeping have the lowest risk for stroke.

There are two theories that could explain these results. First, acid reflux happens when we get to sleep after a meal may increase the occurrence of sleep apnea or breathing stops during sleep which can cause a stroke.

The second theory suggests, a stroke can occur due to the hard work of our digestive system which affects the increase in blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels which in turn could trigger a stroke.

When should we be able to sleep after eating? The best is 2 hours later.